
[MostlyNonfiction is current through events occurring up to December 21, 2014]

Matt Schiller is the central character in a series of events and stories, written about here, that are mostly nonfiction. Possessing an unquenchable curiosity, he finds most of the world and especially the people around him intriguing. He often finds himself wondering if anybody else is seeing this shit too.

Because it’s some seriously good shit.

As the title of this site would suggest, the events depicted herein are all nonfiction, as in ‘actually happened’. Well ‘actually happened’ as far as Matt can tell. He’s not superhuman (obviously he’s working on changing that though), so sometimes he doesn’t get the dialog exactly right, or maybe he condenses a lengthy exchange to the salient points for the sake of the narrative, or maybe he retells someone else’s story (with their consent) and gets some of the finer details wrong. Hence the ‘mostly’. But the people, places, and events depicted herein are all real and unexaggerated.

Besides, it sounds sexier this way.

“Mostly Nonfiction,” Matt says, the shadow of a wink in his eye. Wait no, he realizes all too late, blinking and swatting frantically. It’s a mosquito!

And if you’d like more stories from Southeast Asia–or perhaps better notes on logistics in a ‘real’ travelblog way, please head on over to my girlfriend Chelsea’s blog of our travels at www.BetterThanLetters.com. It should be noted that her narrative starts from when she came to travel in Myanmar, back in January 2015, so our stories won’t sync up for a while yet.